Privacy Policy

For Business Counterparty Use


The Getz Group[1] (the “Company”) values and strictly adheres to the customer’s personal data protections. The Company announces this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) to comply with Personal Data Protection Act 2019 as well as its amendments and relevant subordinate regulations (collectively “Personal Data Protection Laws”).


1. About us

Getz Chemicals, a member of the Getz Group of Companies, is a leading distributor of performance chemicals and ingredients with operations in Thailand (as a part of LTL), Vietnam and the Philippines, supported by a sourcing office in China. Over the years, our name has become synonymous for quality products delivered at the right cost and on time, and well-regarded reputation for providing value-added services to our customers and business partners. We offer a variety of performance chemicals tailored to serve each individual customer’s needs that include, but are not limited to, commodities, intermediates and specialty raw materials for a wide range of applications in the fields of flexible packaging, plastics and rubber, alloys, paints and coatings, adhesives, personal and home care as well as food ingredients and other industries. With an ever-growing portfolio, we continue to serve and build strong business partnerships with our customers and suppliers, and expand our geographical reach.

Each business unit is guided by an expert in the field and supported by a highly capable team of experienced staff to build and expand the business for our partners (collectively the “Businesses”).


2. Introduction

This Policy explains how the Company manages data that directly or indirectly identifies or may identify you as required by the Personal Data Protection Laws (the “Personal Data”) including process, collection, use and disclosure of such Personal Data (“Process/Processing”) and informs you of the purposes of the Personal Data Processing, the Personal Data Retention Period and your rights as Data Subject. For your complete awareness of the Personal Data Protection Laws please thoroughly read and understand the provisions of this Policy.


3. From who does the Company collect the Personal Data

This Policy governs the Personal Data collection and processing from persons wishing to do businesses with the Company and the Company’s business counterparties namely persons wishing or undertaking to buy, manufacture, supply and/or offer to sell goods from and to the Company and/or the service receivers or providers or other similar relationship with the Company. The Company may engage in businesses with you or the legal entities represented by you such as you or the legal entities represented by you buy or supply goods or services from or to the Company, act as the Company’s distributor, receive or provide services, act as counsel or expert or deal any businesses with the Company etc.


4. How does the Company collects the Personal Data

The Company may collect your Personal Data in the following ways:

4.1 You directly give your Personal Data to the Company when you sign the contract, purchase or supply, service or distribution agreements with the Company;
when you fill data in forms whether on paper, through website or application or other channels;
when you submit documents containing your Personal Data to the Company;

when you contact or request for information from the Company;

when you sponsor or participate in events, marketing activities or other activities held by or in the name of the Company; and

when you accept news release or public relations materials from the Company.

4.2 The Company receives your Personal Data from Third Party

when your employer or agent sends your Personal Data to the Company;

when the Company’s other business counterparties, affiliates or service providers forward your Personal Data to the Company; and

in certain cases the Company may collect your Personal Data from public domain or commercial data sources whether you personally disclose or consent for disclosure of your Personal Data such as corporate or government agencies’ websites, data available on internet or online social media.

4.3 The Company automatically collects your Personal Data when you visit and/or use website, application or online platforms using cookie or similar technologies to collect technical data on your use. Please read the Company’s Cookie Policy;

when you contact the Company on its premises under CCTV surveillance with camera recording in slide and video; and

when you offer to buy or sell goods and/or services from or to the Company or visit business premises of the Company.

In collection of your Personal Data you will be informed of details of this Policy including purposes and legal basis for processing the Personal Data or if required by the Personal Data Protection Laws, the Company will seek your specific consent prior to processing your Personal Data.


5. What Personal Data does the Company collect

In operating the Businesses and subject to this Policy the Company may collect your Personal Data received directly from you or third party or automatically collected by the Company as follows:

5.1 Personal Identity Information such as name, surname, date of birth, age, weight, height, gender, nationality, race, religion, occupation, working position, incomes and other remuneration, workplace, photo, identity card number, passport number, vehicle plate number, vehicle details, tax ID card number, work experience, education background and criminal records etc;
5.2 Contact Details such as telephone number, facsimile number, email address, social media account, identity card address, household register address and contact persons etc;
5.3 Goods Sale and/or Service Transaction such as necessary data for handling relationship between the Company and you or the legal entities represented by you in case you are the counterparty or service provider of the Company including payment details for goods or service etc;
5.4 Finance such as bank account number, Personal Data on invoice, tax invoice, receipt and other payment details or information etc;
5.5 Transaction Supporting Data such as the Personal Data contained in copies of the National ID Card, passport, household register, name/surname change registration, government officer card, state-owned enterprise officer card, car driving licence, motorcycle driving licence, marriage certificate, bank account, medical certificate, staff ID card, professional practising licence, diplomas, training certificates, corporate certification document, VAT registration certificate, patent, distributor appointment letter, commercial registration certificate, professional association certificate, land title deed or possession deed, letter of consent from spouse, power of attorney, Resume/CV, service agreement and other agreements in relation to such transactions etc;
5.6 Your Representation of Legal Entities such as your Personal Data contained in the corporate certification document, list of shareholders or other documents related to such legal entities, other information requested by the Company from you or the said legal entities for use in connection with contract execution, service provision and related actions etc; and
5.7 Others such as period to access to working site, telephone voice records, CCTV video and voice recording and body temperature etc.

The Company may collect your sensitive Personal Data including criminal records for the Purposes. The Company may process the sensitive Personal Data upon your consent or as required by the Personal Data Protection Laws.


6. What are Purposes of the Company’s collection and process of your Personal Data

In case the Company collects your Personal Data prior to the effective date of the Personal Data Protection Laws the Company will continually collect and use your Personal Data for its original purposes. However from 1st June 2022 onwards if you do not wish the Company to retain and use such Personal Data, you may contact the Company to revoke your consent at contact details in paragraph 10 of this Policy. The Company reserves the right to review your request and proceed with such consent revocation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Laws.

6.1 The Company may process your Personal Data for the following purposes under the Personal Data Protection Laws (collectively the “Purposes”):

(a) for execution of contracts with you or legal entities represented by you and/or for right or duty performance under the contracts executed with you or legal entities represented by you;

(b) for examination and confirmation of your identity and/or corporate identity of legal entities represented by you;

(c) for record examination prior and during the contract execution with you or legal entities represented by you which might be repeated again during the term of such contract;

(d) for sales, procurement or purchase of goods or services to and from you or legal entities represented by you including management and selection of counterparties, tender proposal, guarantee proposal, data and qualification review, implementation of the Company’s procurement policies and other related process;

(e) for execution and management of purchase orders, agreements and contracts between the Company and you or legal entities represented by you including payment of goods or services and other expenses to you pursuant to such purchase orders, agreements and contracts;

(f) for compliance with the Company’s internal regulations such as opening of client or vendor account, document and summary preparation, issuance of entrance-exit card and record of work performance etc;

(g) for liaison with and you or legal entities represented by you on goods and/or service provision by you or legal entities represented by you including to disseminate news release and public relations materials in which and you or legal entities represented by you may be interested or which may benefit and you or legal entities represented by you;

(h) for compliance with laws governing the Company’s Businesses including the Personal Data Protection Laws, tax laws, customs laws, consumer protection laws, accounting laws, working safety, sanitary and environment laws, computer crime laws, civil aviation laws, Civil and Commercial Code and Land Code etc;

(i) for compliance with lawful orders of the competent government agencies and officers;

(j) for establishment of legal claims, legal enforcement and claim exercise or defence of claim by or against the Company;

(k) for examination and control of public order, safety and security, management and protection of IT infrastructure and safety of the Company’s personnel and third parties on the Company’s premises including property and data of the Company;

(l) for necessary actions in the Businesses operation to your benefit or benefit of legal entities represented by you directly relating to the above purposes; or

(m) other purposes as informed to you by the Company.

6.2 The Company will process your Personal Data in accordance with the aforesaid purposes and on the following legal basis:

(a) necessity to perform contract to which you are a party or your request prior to the contract execution;

(b) necessity of the Company to comply with laws;

(c) necessity to protect legitimate benefits of the Company or person or legal person other than the Company;

(d) necessity to perform by the Company duty for public interest or to exercise the state power entrusted upon the Company;

(e) protection or prevention of danger to life, body and health of person;

(f) educational, research or statistic purposes which provides suitable protective measures for your rights and freedom; or

(g) your consent granted to the Company in case there is no such exemption or legal basis mentioned above.

For further details on purposes and legal basis in respect of your Personal Data processing, you may contact the Company at contact details in paragraph 10 of this Policy.

6.3 Your Personal Data will be processed for the purposes set out in paragraph 6.1. However if you do not wish the Company to process your Personal Data in respect of compliance with laws or contract or necessities for contract execution or purpose achievement, the Company may be unable to perform duty under the contract executed with you or to enter into a contract with you (as the case may be) which in such event the Company may refuse the contract conclusion with you or cancel goods sales or purchase or service receipt or provision to or from you or service provision to you in whole or in part.

6.4 In case the Company will process your Personal Data for purposes other than those stated in this Policy, the Company will provide additional personal data protection policy or announcement and/or send to you written explanation on such Personal Data processing. You should read such additional policy or announcement in conjunction with this Policy.


7. To whom does the Company disclose your Personal Data

7.1 The Company may disclose your Personal Data subject to the purposes of this Policy and requirements by laws to persons and agencies as follows:

(a) The Getz Group including its executives, directors, officers, employees and/or personnel within its organisation to the relevant extent and as necessary for processing your Personal Data;

(b) the Company’s consultants such as auditor, legal counsel, lawyers or other experts both within and outside The Getz Group etc;

(c) business alliance, counterparties, service providers and processor of the Personal Data engaged or hired by the Company in managing and/or processing the Personal Data for the Company’s Businesses operations including payment services, printing, IT services, website services, data storage services, data analysis services, research, marketing, travel services or other services which may benefit you or relate to the Company’s Businesses etc;

(d) government agencies in charge of enforcement of the applicable laws or ordering a disclosure of the Personal Data by virtue of applicable laws or related legal process or permitted by the relevant laws including Customs Department, Revenue Department, Department of Business Development, Department of Intellectual Property, Office of Trade Competition Commission, Office of Personal Data Protection, Royal Thai Police, Office of The Attorney General, district offices, Public Works Department, Land Department and courts etc;

(e) webpage, application and/or online social media of the Company; or

(f) persons or other agencies to which you consent for disclosure of your Personal Data.

7.2 In disclosing your Personal Data to other person the Company shall provide suitable measures to protect the disclosed Personal Data and comply with standards and duties to protect the Personal Data as required by the Personal Data Protection Laws. If the Company transmits or transfers your Personal Data to overseas recipient, the Company shall ensure that the country of destination, international organisation or overseas recipients have personal data protection standards as sufficiently meeting or comparable to requirements under the Personal Data Protection Laws. In certain cases the Company may seek your consent for transmission or transfer of your Personal Data to overseas recipient.

7.3 Disclosure of your Personal Data to a third party will be made in accordance with the purposes of this Policy or permitted by laws. In case the laws require your specific consent, the Company will first seek such consent from you.


8. Personal Data Retention Period

8.1       The Company will retain your Personal Data for a period necessary to achieve the purposes for its processing. Personal Data retention period might be varied by the purposes for its processing and taking into the following factors:

(a) period as required by the relevant laws (if any);

(b) statute limitation for legal action arising from or in connection with the documents or Personal Data collected by the Company; and

(c) practice of the Company and business sector for the Personal Data in each classification.

The Company will retain your Personal Data for a period not exceeding 10 years from the date of transactions or legal obligations between you and the Company are fulfilled or terminated. However the Company may retain your Personal Data for a longer period if permitted by laws or such retention is necessary for establishment of legal claims of the Company.

8.2       After expiration of the above retention period the Company will delete, destroy or de-identify such Personal Data from its system and system of any other persons providing services to the Company (if any) save and except that the Company could continually retain such Personal Data as required by the Personal Data Protection Laws or other applicable laws. For further details on retention period of your Personal Data, you may contact the Company at contact details in paragraph 10 of this Policy.


9. Rights of Data Subject

As Data Subject you have the following rights in respect of your Personal Data subject to criteria, procedure and conditions stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Laws:

9.1 Right to Access You have the right to access to your Personal data and request the Company to extract a copy of such Personal Data to you subject to the Personal Data Protection Laws;
9.2 Right to Transfer You have the right to obtain your Personal Data including to transmit or transfer your Personal Data to other Personal Data Controller or to you except that such request by nature is not possible and subject to the Personal Data Protection Laws;
9.3 Right to Object You have the right to object the processing of your Personal Data as permitted by the Personal Data Protection Laws;
9.4 Right to Delete You may ask the Company to delete, destroy or de-identify your Personal Data as permitted by the Personal Data Protection Laws;
9.5 Right to Suspend You have the right to ask the Company to suspend the processing of your Personal Data as permitted by the Personal Data Protection Laws;
9.6 Right to Correct You have the right to correct your Personal Data if it is incorrect, not current, incomplete or causes confusion;
9.7 Right to Revoke Consent In case the Company processes your Personal Data based on your consent, you have the right to revoke such consent granted to the Company; and
9.8 Right to Complain In case there is a ground to believe that the Company violates the Personal Data Protection Laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the expert committee appointed by the Personal Data Protection Commission in accordance with regulations and procedures set out by the Personal Data Protection Laws.

From 1st June 2022 onwards if you wish to exercise the aforesaid rights, you may contact the Company at contact details in paragraph 10 of this Policy. The Company will exercise its best endeavours to the extent of the relevant system capacity to accommodate and respond to your request.


10. Contact us

You may contact the Company for enquiry about this Policy, management of your Personal Data, complaint and exercise of your rights under paragraph 9 above at:


Getz Chemicals

177/1 BUI Building 10th Floor, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500.

Tel : 02-206-9500  Fax : 02-206-9599


You may contact our Data Protection Officer at:


Ms Nitchima Wutthi

Tel        : 02-206-9595

Email    :


11. Amendments

The Company may from time to time amend this Policy to comply with any change in your Personal Data processing and the Personal Data Protection Laws or other applicable laws. The Company will inform you of significant change in this Policy through appropriate channels. The Company recommends you to from time to time check the updated and amended Policy.


This Policy is effective on June 1st, 2022.


Announced on March 10th, 2022.


(Mr. William Arthur Bruce Metcalfe) (Mr. Chakraphan Chaturaphat)

Authorised Directors

Getz Chemicals



[1] The Getz Group includes any and all company/companies as follows:

  • Louis T Leonowens (Thailand) Ltd
  • Healthcare (Thailand) Ltd
  • Getz Chemicals